Classified ads in The Iowa Source are an effective and inexpensive way to reach thousands of potential buyers, customers, or clients in the eastern Iowa region.
How To Place Classified Ads
1. Choose Section: Choose one of our standard sections, or buy your own section with your company name or service.
You can buy a classified headline for $5 per line (maximum 25 letters and spaces per line).
2. Write the Ad: Classified ads cost 50ยข per word. This price includes FREE BOLD CAPITALIZATION of the first three words. Additional bold capitalized words cost $1 each. Email and website addresses cost $1 each.
3. Email your ad to: Meredith. Or mail your ad, along with payment to
The Iowa Source
108 W. Broadway, Suite 205
Faifield, IA 52556
4. Classified Ad Deadline: The deadline is the 22nd of the month for the following month’s issue (but we sometimes accept ads after the deadline, if time allows, so contact us).
5. Have questions? Contact Meredith, at (641) 472-6258.