First question: Do you use inexpensive LED bulbs in the lights you turn on in…
Health and Beauty
Alternative health care, yoga, ayurveda, natural cosmetics, exercise, fitness
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,…
At sixteen, Emma Benoit attempted to end her apparently perfect life. She was captain of…
If you think medical intuition is an offbeat practice at the fringes of health care,…
The Inflation Reduction Act signed into law in 2022 included funding for a wide…
For many newcomers, Iowa is an acquired taste, with its harsh winters and hot summers,…
Iowa has the second-highest cancer rate in the nation, and it is the only state…
Spring has sprung, and it’s a good time to stop, drop, and celebrate the great…
“When I waked from my ninth electric shock treatment at the Independence, Iowa Mental Health…
A delightful, helpful book about your sleep is The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is…
Ever since the passage of the Medicare Prescription Drug Act of 2003, which created the…
In 2019, Vicki Malloy’s son Jai died suddenly at the age of 31. This traumatic…
Time marches on. And gravity is real. My local community theater, on a fresh high…
My dogs, and most dogs I know, are eager to be out in all weather.…
Medicare, a government-based health insurance program for seniors, was established by Congress in 1965. While…