Accolades continue to pour in for Colin Firth’s performance as King George in The King’s…
Writer-diector-actor Ben Affleck (left) sets his latest film in his hometown of Boston. (©Warner Bros.…
In Toy Story 3, Woody convenes with fellow toys Mr Pricklepants, Buttercup, and Trixie (©Pixar/Disney.…
An eccentric Bronx family with secrets keeps the comedy flowing in City Island. (Lorey Sebastian,…
Carey Mulligan stars as a gifted teenager and Peter Sarsgard the 30ish beau who pursues…
Ben Foster in The Messenger (Oscilloscope Laboratories) "The Secretary of Defense deeply regrets to inform…
Lewis Black Lewis Black has been doing standup comedy for decades, along with his other…
Matt Damon plays slightly nuts whistle-blower Mark Whitacre in The Informant! (© 2009 Warner Bros…
Meryl Streep plays loopy but determined Julia Child in Julie & Julia. (© 2009 Universal…
The Orozcos, eating cheap fast food out of financial necessity, in Food, Inc. © 2009…
Russell Crowe plays a dirt-digging reporter in the mystery thriller State of Play. ©2009 Universal…
TV programs like The Sopranos helped turn talk therapy into entertainment. Dr. Jennifer Melfi (Lorraine…
Quantum of Solace stars the latest Bond, Daniel Craig, in plot that’s mostly incomprehensible but…
Thinking he has completed his kung fu training, giant panda Po (Jack Blackj) is offered…