Ayurvedic Intuitive Eric Isen: An Interview

Ayurvedic intuitive Eric Isen

If you think medical intuition is an offbeat practice at the fringes of health care, you might want to think again. A 2020 research study conducted by the National Institutes of Health* found “a 94 percent accuracy rate of the medical intuitive’s ability to locate and evaluate the participant’s primary physical issue . . . and 93 percent accuracy in describing a connection between the life events and health issues.”

What exactly is medical intuition? The NIH defines it as “a system of expanded perception gained through the human sense of intuition. . . . designed to assist health care providers in a cost-effective, targeted approach to a patient’s presenting concerns, and is not meant to serve as a diagnosis of illness or disease.”

So how does this expanded awareness work? We asked Eric Isen, a medical intuitive living in Fairfield who has been practicing for over 35 years, to talk about his gifts and describe his process.

Eric first realized he had special abilities when he studied Ayurveda in India with one of the world’s top Ayurvedic doctors. “It turned out that when I took someone’s pulse,” he says, “I could see not just their physical condition but their energetic state as well. I quickly realized that I didn’t even need to be in physical contact to see these things; I could see them from a distance, which was a revelation to me and my teachers.”

The Ayurvedic doctors recognized his unusual gift and encouraged him to use it to aid others. “They stressed that this was not only a rare skill but also a responsibility, urging me to help people with their health by utilizing my unique visual insights into the body’s physical and energetic systems.”

How do your intuitive insights work when analyzing a patient’s physical and energy bodies?

I first want to understand their complaints to see what problems they’re experiencing. For example, if someone has a migraine headache, I know from experience that this indicates too much heat in the head, which causes blood vessels to constrict and create pressure. I look at both the energy body and the physical body to see how this is happening, particularly where heat or inflammation may be misplaced.

So analyzing a person’s physical and energy bodies involves looking first at the energy body to identify any imbalances. These imbalances help me understand which physical organs to examine and what corrections are needed. In Ayurveda, the symptom is considered the last stage of an illness, with a series of imbalances leading up to that symptom. By identifying these early stages of imbalance in the energy body, I can see how they manifest in the physical body and determine the chain of events that leads to the symptom.

Once I identify these imbalances, I test various remedial measures to see what will work to correct them, whether it’s an herb, a vitamin, a structural adjustment needing a chiropractor’s intervention, or even serious conditions requiring medical attention. This process allows me to tailor interventions that address both the symptoms and their underlying causes effectively.

What type of services do you offer?

I start with a diagnosis where I usually identify the person’s Ayurvedic body type. This helps inform them about the best diet and lifestyle choices suited to their specific constitution. We then discuss any imbalances present in their energy and physical bodies that might be causing symptoms or complaints, and I advise on remedial measures such as diet, yoga, meditation, exercise, herbs, and vitamins that could help reverse their condition.

Additionally, because of my intuitive abilities, I sometimes assist people with life questions, providing guidance on various choices or decisions they are considering. This guidance comes from deeply connecting to the divine presence in my heart, which has proven to be a very accurate method in my practice.

How do you integrate Ayurvedic principles with modern medical practices in your consultations?

I’m not a doctor, so I can’t directly integrate modern medical practices. What I can do is offer advice, since I can’t prescribe medicine or any of the modern medical therapies. I might advise someone to seek physical therapy, visit a chiropractor, or get acupuncture, integrating these suggestions with Ayurvedic principles. My Ayurvedic orientation and intuitive abilities allow me to see deeper causes, helping me direct patients effectively.

My approach involves identifying imbalances in both the physical and energy bodies. These imbalances can often be addressed through a combination of modern medical practices and traditional therapies. If I discern that an issue is beyond natural therapy and requires pharmaceutical intervention, I guide the patient to the appropriate medical specialist to address their symptoms. This holistic perspective ensures that all potential healing avenues are considered.

How do you address the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit?

My practice is totally involved in that integration. The very first line in the ancient textbooks of Ayurveda states that if the person is not fully enlightened, you can never heal them completely. It also mentions that if a person is not developing themselves spiritually and emotionally, it will be very difficult to heal them. This is because when I look at a person and examine their energy body, I see the spiritual reasons for the imbalances in their energies. I often see what I call “energy boulders,” like black spots, primarily in the chakras of the spine or other similar areas. These boulders disrupt the proper alignment of what we call “vata energy” in Ayurveda, which is the energy of movement.

For example, the most common issue is with the heart chakra, where all the emotional traumas, angers, and fears we carry create blockages. These energy boulders in the heart chakra cause the prana, which is seated in that chakra and meant to move horizontally across the upper chest, to tilt and become misaligned.

So, in my practice, I see a total interconnection between the mind, body, and spirit. The spirit, or the energy body, encompasses the stresses and spiritual issues that cause different energy imbalances, resulting in physical body problems. The underlying stresses also affect the mind; its functioning is greatly influenced by these old stresses and pressures. The mind needs to be purified and changed to balance these old stresses that are throwing off the energies of the body at the spiritual level, which in turn can affect the physical body. All these aspects need to be addressed in harmony.

When should you consult a medical intuitive—after seeing an M.D. and not getting results?

Anytime! Whether or not you see an M.D., it’s always beneficial to consult a medical intuitive because they provide a perspective different from that of an M.D.

I can’t speak for other medical intuitives, but in my practice, one of my specialties is identifying what’s causing the symptom. While an M.D. will focus on treating the symptom, they often don’t look beyond it to consider the root cause. That’s where my approach differs. Ayurveda, which is central to my practice, looks beyond the symptom and into the subtle energy body. Often, issues in these subtle bodies manifest as symptoms in the physical body. My Ayurvedic training helps me explore these underlying issues.

The core issue is treating symptoms versus identifying the cause. I’ve attended seminars with functional medicine doctors who specialize in this direction. They perform numerous tests—which can be costly as insurance doesn’t always cover them—because they understand the importance of looking beyond the symptom. They know a symptom will likely return if only the symptom is treated, so many of the best doctors are focusing on addressing the underlying conditions.

Why would someone choose a medical intuitive over an M.D.?

I wouldn’t advise choosing one over the other—it’s beneficial to utilize both. Why not see the M.D. and then compare what each has to say? You can gain different perspectives on addressing both the symptom and any underlying issues that might be causing it.

When is it more useful to consult a medical intuitive instead of an M.D.?

You might consult a medical intuitive if you’ve already seen an M.D. and didn’t get the results you wanted, or if the symptom has returned and something doesn’t seem right to you.

Do you ever recommend that a caller see an M.D. instead?

I wouldn’t say instead; I would recommend seeing both. In serious cases like cancer or other major diseases, it’s crucial to see an M.D.—but not to the exclusion of a medical intuitive, who might offer insights into why the health condition exists.

A medical intuitive might consider not only diet and lifestyle but also spiritual causes, energy imbalances, and more, providing another valuable perspective. 

Find out more about Eric Isen at EricIsen.com.

Portions of this interview were published in MysticMag and are reprinted with permission.

*”Assessing the Accuracy of Medical Intuition: A Subjective and Exploratory Study”