Just five years ago, a group of 25 Iowa visionaries led by Suzan Erem and her husband, Paul Durrenberger, founded the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust (SILT). Today, 770 acres of Iowa farmland in five Iowa counties are held in permanent trust on behalf of all Iowans for clean food production—enough land to feed 154,000 Iowans under full production.
The 2019 pipeline for farm donations and easements is currently at 500 additional acres.
Now that’s cause to celebrate—and everyone is invited to join the fun at the 2nd Annual SILT Summer Solstice Celebration at Jefferson County Ciderworks on Wednesday, June 19, 6:30–9:30 p.m.
The evening includes the silky harmonies and acoustic music of SILT friends Steve and Michaela McLain, as well as an inspiring talk by sustainability expert John Ikerd. SILT co-founder Suzan Erem will also share a statewide progress report on how SILT is building a regenerative farming economy here in Iowa, one donor and farmer at a time. Expect surprise guests to share their wisdom of how we collectively rebalance Iowa’s agricultural landscape to be more environmentally regenerative and people friendly.
This community-wide event helps support the SILT mission to permanently protect Iowa farmland for growing healthy, organic food. It’s a cause that benefits all Iowans, bringing better health to all.
The SILT Vision
- Increasing the amount of fresh, ripe food in the Midwest.
- Permanently improving water and soil quality.
- Rebuilding our rural economy.
- Reintroducing farming that answers to its neighbors.
- Increasing our independence from global forces.
- Reducing the cost of land for farmers.
- Increasing diversity in our agricultural economy.
Jefferson County Ciderworks is located at 1839 200th Street in Fairfield. Tickets are $18 in advance or $25 at the door and can be purchased at Silt.org.