Need to get your kids out of the house for some winter fun? Head north to Decorah for the 20th annual Barneløpet, a noncompetitive ski/walk event for kids ages 3 to 13 on Saturday, February 2, at 10 a.m.
This collaborative Vesterheim Museum and Sons of Norway event will be held at the Decorah Community Prairie, with registration beginning at 9:30 a.m. Skiers must provide their own skis.
Barneløpet is open to children of all skill levels and is a great event for the entire family. “When you complete the course, you’ll be awarded a medal and served hot chocolate and homemade cookies as you warm yourself by the fire,” says event organizer Darlene Fossum-Martin.
No skis? “Then join in the fun with a walk through the tall prairie grasses,” says Fossum-Martin.
Barneløpet, (pronounced BAR-nuh-lop-it) is Norwegian for “kids’ race” and is modeled after the Barnebirke, a children’s cross-country ski race held each year as a part of the world-famous American Birkebeiner in Hayward, Wisconsin.
Barneløpet in Decorah is held annually to encourage kids and families to enjoy the winter snow season.
The Decorah Community Prairie is accessed by car at the south end of Ohio Street, near Aase Haugen Homes. The trail will be in a loop, with the start and finish at the site of the butterfly garden.
For more information about Barneløpet, contact Vesterheim at vesterheim.org or (563) 382-9681.