Green Building … in China?

When you think of China, do you think of green building? I’m guessing probably not. Yet it’s a potentially huge industry … and one that’s been growing since 2000.  You can learn all about what’s really happening when project manager and  LEED Accredited Professional Max Perelman shares his expertise and shows a documentary on the subject on Monday, January 11, 8:00 pm, at the MUM Argiro Student Center in Fairfield, sponsored by the Sustainable Living Department.

The Green Dragon (45 mins.) follows three young people—one American, one Chinese, and one English—as they crisscross China to interview people about the obstacles and opportunities for sustainable building and explore the magnitude for large-scale green construction there. “Before making this film,” says Max, “I had no idea of what an amazing journey I was embarking on. I had been told that over half the world’s construction takes place in this one country, but only when you see it do you believe it.” Watch the trailer at

Max is the president of American Environmental & Agricultural, Inc., an import/export and trade consulting firm specializing in environmental technologies and focused on trade between Asia and North America. He is also an advisor to the Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy. Max speaks and reads Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. He has presented at a number of green building conferences including the USGBC’s Greenbuild 2007 in Chicago and WestCoastGreen 2008 in Silicon Valley.

The event is free, and Max will hold a Q & A session afterwards. He will also meet with students, faculty, and community leaders, and anyone else interested in sustainable building, international environmental policy, and urban development in China and the US. For more information, email