I admit it, I love creativity and make an effort to allow myself moments toobserve the world go by (you could call this living in a spiritual way, I suppose).It is clear to me, anyway, that the formation of the universe is at all timesnew and different. Right above me creation is occurring. Amazingly, I realizethe clouds above my head are actually uniquely local to where we live—whetherthey are stratocumulus, cirrus, or nimbus cloud forms, each is a model of creativity,an all-at-once moment. A clear sky can be enjoyable, but at some point (alwayssooner than later) I crave the variety of shadow and light, dark clouds andlight clouds, rays of sunbeams streaming out from behind a cloudbank. Cloudsare like a folk dance going on up above and I am all too happy to know thatwhat I sometimes fear are being lost in our life—creativity and spontaneity—arenot gone at all. W. H. Auden wrote, “The world is arranged admirably,” Imust agree.